Mars' Avatar Guide

Info and tips on how to use VR & V-Tubing avatars made by me

Project maintained by emperorofmars Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Mars’ Avatar Guide


Thank you for getting one of my avatars!

Please don’t forget to rate your Itch and Gumroad products!

General Tips

VRChat Setup

  1. Set up a project with the VRChat Creator Companion
  2. Add D4rk’s Avatar Optimizer
  3. Import the .unitypackage

The setup scene is located under Assets/**AVATAR NAME**/Setup VRChat/Scenes

Adapt and upload an avatar with the VRC SDK and have fun!

ChilloutVR Setup (if included)

  1. Set up a project with the current ChilloutVR Unity Version
  2. Import the newest CCK
  3. Import the .unitypackage

The setup scene is located under Assets/**AVATAR NAME**/Setup ChilloutVR/Scenes

Adapt and upload an avatar with the CVR SDK and have fun!

VRM Setup (if included)

  1. Set up a Unity project
  2. Import the latest supported UniVRM 0.X
  3. Import the .unitypackage

The setup scene is located under Assets/**AVATAR NAME**/Setup VRM/Scenes

Export through UniVRM. Be sure to check the ‘Reduce Blendshape’ option

Blender Export

Use these export settings:

Unity Import

Find all my links at

- Mars
